I work in the field of art, motion, design, film and immersive experiences since over 20 years as a creative, director, producer, artist, entrepreneur, technologist and researcher. In the context of time based media environments, I’m interested to bend the postdigital, crossmedial  (anti- &) transdisciplinary limits of aesthetics, deal with simultaneities of HCI and investigate on overlaps of time & space complexities. I’m fascinated by the phenomenology, ephemerality, narratives and paradigm shifts of timeinspaceintimeinspaceintimein.space.

Since my media design & art studies, I worked with my studio Nindustrict and did over 20 years freelance animation, motion design & (creative) direction work and productions as own company. I travelled the world to several renowed universities and design companies and performed as artist, VJ, professor and speaker on festivals, symposiums and exhibitions.

From 2010 on, I extended my cultural creations with the first typographic concept store where type meets new technology in Berlin: Letters Are My Friends.

Here, we -Bärbel Bold and co-founder Ingo Italic and our ‘interfaces’ so called letterheads - are dedicated to type & tech work, investigating on realtime grafics, generative design,  computer vision and the notion of space, nowness and liveness. We push (not only typographic) aesthetics as critical design processes, acting as a performative practice based design research lab including a own generative design & multisensoric media art studio in a multipurpose space. In that, we organized over 40 events and developed own experiencial event formats within the last 13 years contributing and nurishing discourses in the cultural design & art context of type & tech. We published a book called Keep Tha Kerning Tight about all of this before parametric typo trends stepped on stage.

In a company context, I was dedicated as a creative director for concept & design strategy for Saatchi & Saatchi Pro in 2014/2015, and was art directing and producing a multimedia art show with 80 moving beamers and 60 Latino dancers at the strip of Las Vegas 2008/2009 after my postgraduation at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in 2007. I worked earlier in 2005 for Daimler Chrysler’s Virtual Reality Center in the South of Germany and collaborated with famous artists like Olafur Eliasson, Keez Duvyes from Pips:lab, Martin Eder or Evan Roth. Also, I toured to Tokio visually performing with part of Pina Bausch’s ensemble.

Since 2016, I’m professor for the teaching and reseach area Image & Motion within the BA / MA program Integrated Design at Köln International School of Design, faculty of cultural studies of the TH Köln in Cologne. Here, I initiated and lead the Motion Experience Lab with a team of employees as a research producton studio. Together with students, I teach and research in the realm of creation of and interaction with virtual and mixed realities, extend audio-visuality to further dimensions like body and code and ask questions of new parallelworlds and its posthumanistic aesthetics, tools, creatures and behaviours. 

Additionally, I also co-founded and developed the program Code & Context, the first cross-faculty programm where computer sciences melt with design and social innovation at TH Köln, lauched 2019. Here I concepted and teach modules like Social Hubs, Open Design and Product dimensions rather pointing on economical and systemic understanding of design and tech.

I’m also teaching since 2013 at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste interdisciplinary design practice and type‘n’motion.

I love to collaborate internationally, create artworks and reinvent myself at least bi-yearly. I give talks and lectures over the world about design as a language and creative ecologies, loop holes and time boxes, bumps and displacements and POVs on Type & Tech.

I’ve spent my corona researchsemester with two tufting guns creating and manifacturing critical #web developments, typo rugs and interior carpets for luxurous cars and thinking about realtime motion experiences and past times in graffiti.

I live with my family in Berlin, Augsburg and Cologne.

IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS OF MY LIFE (in chronological order)


The Motion Experience Lab
body x code x audiovisualiy x MR / VR / AR

practice based design research lab & production studio run by the Image & Motion department @ KISD

VR PAINTING TOOL Co-Creation LAMF have been invited to co-create some VR Painting Tool ideas with MiReVi (research group of University of Applies Sciences Düsseldorf / Prof. Geiger) & Innovationshub NRW.

Event Documentation

Released: Performance, April 2019


We did a little performance and usertested it on Die lange Nacht der Museum of the NRW Forum Düsseldorf.


On this website you find a playful collection mainly about my teaching life. Extensive documentation about my academia projects, the motion experience lab and research projects. It is meant as a living archive with a lot of inspiration and background material to understand how I swing and how I develop the Image & Motion area of KISD.
Also documentation of 8 years teaching @ ZHdK and other institutions. 


Research semester project: Motion Experience Studies

Tufting Manifacturing x Interior Design x Luxurous labor

Released: 2020/21



THE SHELTER OF LOVE - Staging of a Christmas scene & Campaign

We were commissioned to create a surprising christmas campaign for three entrance foyers of Stilwerk’s design destinations. The core element of the campaign was a huge spatial installation ”Shelter of Love“ and its artistic performance and implementation: a big scale stageing of an abstracted and stylised mise-en-scene of the nativity scene based on roleplays. Each single installation was realized in collaboration with students from KISD, which I led through this applied design project case as a teaching project. Based on these creative installations, all kind of marketing material was realized from postcards over banners to flags, to tapes, to clips, to carpets and blankets and little movies for digital signage. 

“The Shelter of Love“ – a nativity scene as and through spatial design.

Project started in Summer 2019
Creative Direction August -Oktober
Realization Oct - Jan in 12 weeks

Public installation parallely on show in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Hamburg / Dez.2019 -Jan 2020



Read about it here.

Read an interview about me on Stilwerk.

THE MULTIWIGGLER by Letters Are My Friends

The Multiwiggler has been published in the Book Berlin Digital Digest 2017 and has been presented at Selected Europe Bilbao 2016
Publications & Tool Demo

Release: 2017 /18


DEMO of generative design tool, creating animated

type by finger’s motion input

Find the publication from Bilbao


Selected works and outtakes  from student projects and practice based research project in the Motion Experience Lab. All at KISD between 2016-18 in the Image & Motion Department.

Released: 2018



The work in progress clip was part of UpperCase & Lower Space - a night with parametric typography at Letters Are My Friends on 19th may 2012 in Berlin.
POV - 3D Font Case Demo
I created some type in motion generated by changing the parameters of growing and extracting 3D models rendered in a vector look. These experiments shown here give you only a little taste:
it proposes a concept to create the first "real" 3D font as realtime environment plug-in.
Released: 2013
Research proposal - Type&tech project



More in the book Keep Tha Kerning Tight in section:

︎︎︎Type & Tech Lab

IMAGE & MOTION 2016-2018

This publication shows a collection of selected teaching and research projects happened between 2016 -2018 in the area of Image & Motion within the Integrated Design program @ KISD / TH Köln and acts as an official Image & Motion Newspaper publication. 



︎︎︎ Selected Works 2007 - 2013

Released: 2013


SHOWREEL 2013 / 2014

Selection of Direction, Animation, Motion Design & Type in Motion Works by Nindustrict

Released: 2014



Collection of Art Direction, Motion & Design Studioworks by Nindustrict published in a book.

SHOWREEL 2010 Nindustrict 3D / CGI OR DIE

Released: 2010



Released: 2007

Postgraduation Thesis / Filmakademie BW

Read this filmaka interview about me:︎︎︎ https://www.filmakademie-alumni.de/nina-juric-absolventin-motion-design.htm

Released: 2006
3D Animation Short by Jan Bitzer/Ilija Brunck/Tom Weber
Nina Juric / Sinje Gebauer
sound: dAdA - iNN
production: Filmakademie BW


SHOWREEL 2007 Nindustrict

Released: 2007



Edit of generated Live Visual Recordings for Pulver Records Label Pop Up Store

Released: 2005



Released: Stuttgarter Zeitung 17.11.2003

BA THESIS / Media & Art 
